May 2022 | Issue #1
Welcome to the first issue of the Arieno Dental Lab Newsletter! We thought a monthly newsletter would be a fun way to keep in touch with anyone and everyone interested in knowing what's happening at the lab- case reviews, lab announcements, employee spotlights, tips & tricks, upcoming lab closings, and more.
We have signed up for MailChimp to deliver monthly Newsletters right to your inbox. If you haven't signed up yet, please consider doing so.
Coming Up in May
Arieno Dental Lab will be closed on Memorial Day, May 30th
Arieno is proud to be attending the WEMOCO Career Fair on May 13th
Arieno is proud to support the 25th Annual Handelman Conference
Tips from the Lab
This tip comes from Steve Arieno (Owner & Certified Dental Technician): When using the BellaTek® Encode® System by Zimmer® Biomet, sometimes the final abutment ends up rotated slightly more
Case Review
Six unit Zirconia Anterior Bridge with E-MAX Facings
For this Case Review, Arieno masterfully fabricated a Zimmer 6 unit, screw-retained Bridge (#22 - #27) with pink porcelain at the gingival more
NEW Guidelines
Have you read our New Guidelines?
We hope you have found this article useful or informative in some way, thank you for taking the time to read it! If you have questions, please feel free to reach out using our Contact Form!